Alvin Walker

Alvin Walker

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Keys to Success: Consistency

Keys to Success: Consistency

You must master your gifts, talents and craft. Every day think about what you want to become. Never entertain thoughts of less than what you dream of doing. Visualize and see yourself accomplishing your dreams. Day in and day out work on your craft, develop your skills and master it.
As I read and study the lives of high achievers I see a common key how they could achieve high level of success and one characteristic was consistency. They continue to work on their craft every day. They acted every day toward achieving their goals and dreams. Michael Jordan would practice for hours after practice. He would shoot 10,000 shots every day to reach high level of success.
You can take the biggest oak tree and a dull axe, but if you took five chops on the oak tree every day eventually the oak tree will fall. Be consistent. Every day work on your craft and master it. Be the best you can be than strive to be better than the person you were the day before.

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