Alvin Walker

Alvin Walker

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Become a better you

Become a better you

You were created with unique gifts, talents and abilities. You have the potential to achieve and produce outstanding result.  Life is a journey and on that journey you will face challenges, which may try to hinder your progress.  I want to encourage you to become a better you by: First by getting out of your comfort zone, second by forgetting past failures and third by positive thinking.

·      Get out of your comfort zone

Denis Waitley stated "The greatest limitations you will ever face will be those you place on yourself."

The comfort zone is the place where you play it safe to avoid hurts, disappointments and the
risk failures.  Its mental place or state of mind where you go along with the daily routine and never to go after your dreams. The comfort zone is a behavior that keeps you from reaching your full potential. It’s where you are comfortable and you have place limitation on yourself that stop you from growing.

What cause a person to settle in a comfort zone:

1.      The fear of the unknown

2.      The fear of failures.

Stretch yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Set goals that will make you grow and develop new skills. You are not limited you was created and designed to progress and expand. Challenge yourself to perform at a higher peak. Never settle for good enough but strive for excellent.  

Joel Osteen tells the story of a friend who went to Germany. One day he was driving on the superhighway a highway that doesn’t have speed limits. You can drive as fast as you want. His friend was driving with a passenger. The driver was excited as he was passing cars. He pressed down the accelerator and took the car up to 80 miles per hour then to a 110. He was flying by cars left and right. A few minutes later another car same make and model passed by him running at 180. The passenger says, see you not going as fast as you can go you only going as fast as you want to. In other word use your full potential never settles for average. Push beyond the boundaries of your comfort zone.

·      Forgetting Past Failures

One of the best ways to limit your potential is to dwell things that went wrong. Focusing on the past will limited your vision to the past. You can’t see a better future because of looking at the past. Mindsets of achievers see beyond the setbacks and stay focus on succeeding. They are driven by the intensity to win. They are not divided by divisional thinking. They are focus, motivate and centered on their purpose. Maybe you’ve been through some disappointments, or had some unfair things to happen. You can’t get struck looking in the past. You have to keep moving forward. Failure can be devastating or it can be an opportunity. An old proverbs says when the King palace is burn down it’s an opportunity build a far better and beautiful palace. It is your perception of a situation that make it a setback or setup of success. You can either draw strength from it and used it as a motivation or let it keep you paralyzed and keep you bound.  

 Jim Carey is a famous actor and comedian. He started in movies name Ace Venture, Dumber and Dumber and the Mask. He was born in to strict poverty. His father struggled to keep jobs and at the age of 15 Jim Carey had to drop out of high school to get a job as a janitor to help provide for his family. He could have allowed his rough beginning stop him. Jim decided he want a better life, so he begin to visualize then he written out a check for 10 million dollars and place it in his wallet. For seven years, Jim Carey would carry this check around with him and visualize it as true.  When things out hard he would take the check out and see himself making 10 million dollars. He didn’t focus on the past. His first movie the Mask Jim Carey was written a check for 10 million dollars. You can rise above it and begin to focus on your dream. Rise up and live your dreams.

 ·      Positive  Thinking

Get rid of a defeated mind-set.  A negative way of thinking can cause you to live unhappy and stressed. You can be defeat by your own thoughts. A person can think their way into depression. If you don’t like the way you are feeling check on what are thinking about. You emotions are the voice of your thoughts.

 Real change is when old patterns of thinking has been replaced with new way of thinking  which produce a difference respond to situation, circumstances, people and things. Negative habits are replaced with health, positive habits. Your language and action changes because the old way thinking has been replace. As one profound Pastor says, If change is not taking place you are just putting clean diaper on top a soil dirty diaper it still full of mess. Earl Nightingale an American motivational speaker and author, stated “Every one of us is the sum total of his own thoughts”


 Developing a positive attitude can truly change your entire life. Negative thoughts should be the trigger that automatic causes you to respond with a positive thought.  You can train you mind to switch off any negative thoughts that come in your mind and replace it with positive thinking. By speaking a positive out loud will causes you stop that negative thought dead in its tracks. Focus on what you want and not what you lack.

By learning how to think positive you will begin to attract positive thing.

You can break the cycle and stop living a mundane life. Start by using your gifts and talents. You were born to win. It may cause you to stretch yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you. You don’t have to settle for less. You were born with a gift and talents. You don’t have to bury it in the sand. The sand may be a dead end job, the sand maybe a bad relationship, the sand may be disappointment and emotional hurt. You don’t have to settle there. Forget about the past and focus your goals and dreams. Go after it with everything you got. Do not settle for less than what you were created for. It is your birthright to step into your greatness. Begin by positive thinking, take control of your life and win. Change your thinking and change your life.


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