Alvin Walker

Alvin Walker

Thursday, November 2, 2017

On the Path to Success:Overcoming the Effects of Cheating

On the Path to Success: Overcoming the Effects of Cheating

The effects of cheating can devastating and leaving you feeling hopeless, ashamed, dehumanized, demoralized, undervalued and unappreciated. The effects can begin to eat you emotionally like a disease attacking the body. The emotional stress can begin to affect your physical health. You feel useless and the emotional pain seems never end.

How to overcome the effects of cheating? You have to begin by taking steps. Come to grips with yourself and face reality. Accept the fact that it really happen. Make a decision. If you decided to move on, accept that the relationship is over. Go through the healing process. Being to allow your emotional state to be healed. Start to focus on helping other. Get involve in your community, church or other local groups. This will help you get your eyes off of yourself and focus on other people.

Write down your goals and dreams. Develop a plan on how you will reach your goals. Stay active. Strive to better your life. Don’t allow yourself to get down and give up on what you want to achieve in life. Go for it and live your dreams.

Monday, October 30, 2017

On the Path to Success: The Overcoming Series

On the Path to Success:

The Overcoming Series

On your path to success you will face obstacles in this new blog series will give you the tools to overcome obstacle: cheating spouses, childhood bullying, addictions, toxic and abusive relationships and much more. The overcoming series will empower you and give you the strength to overcome and stay on your path to success.
The first series On the Path to Success: Overcoming the effect of Cheating. It's time to take back your self-esteem, your self-worth and self-value. What happen when you give someone access to your heart to only have it destroyed by cheating. This series will restore you and free you of the guilt and pain of someone else action.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Universal Laws of Success

Universal Laws of Success

Where are you in your journey to success? Is there more you want to achieve in life?  Do you find yourself going around in circles? The universal laws of success will catapult you to new levels of success.

A law is a principle that works for anyone at any time. The law of gravity work for everyone. It doesn’t not discriminate because our age, race, religion or etc. Gravity will always be working to pull to the center of the earth. Likewise, the universal laws of success work to pull you to success.

What you think about the most is what you will attract. What is your dominate thoughts? They are creating and building the world around you. The Law of attraction says like attract like. The level of your thinking is what you will attract. When the mind conceives a thought and it becomes deep rooted it will produce. The seed of a thought will produce a harvest.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

If You Wanted Go Get It

If You Wanted Go Get It

Whatever you want to be, whatever you want to become go get it. Keep going no matter what.  Don’t allow life to cause you to submission and give up on your dreams.  How bad do you want to live your dreams? Your action got to match your dreams. Your actions got to be greater than just a weak hope of one day I live my dreams.

You got to be hungry to achieve greatness. It not just gone come to you, you got to go get it. Imagine you are hunger for food in the forest you hunt day and night until you found food. That’s how hungry you got to be for your dreams.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Get Wire for Success

Get Wire for Success

Success begins in the mind then becomes a reality. You have to rewire your mind and reprogram your thinking. The mind has a blueprint that will either produce success or mediocrity.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.”

Your mind is program as a child from association, teaching and environment. They construct the blueprint and thought pattern in your mind. This becomes the function center in your mind how it deal with life and become you coping system. It also determines the level of success you achieve. If you not happy with your life look at you thought pattern. We are result of our own thoughts. If your thought pattern isn’t producing the results you want rewire you mind. If not rewire you will always keep producing the same results.

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” - Earl Nightingale

Program your mind for success. Begin to take control of your thoughts by setting time to focus on your goals and dream. Focus on what you want and not what you lack.  The more you focus on lack, hurt emotion and disappoint will produce more of the same result. Begin to read and feed the mind. Make possible affirmations and begin to see yourself living the life you want. Change your thinking and change your life.

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hindrance to Success: Wrong Attitude

Hindrance to Success: Wrong Attitude

Attitude determines aptitude of your success.  Attitudes also provide a framework and mindset for success. Being not fully committed and wrong attitude hinders your progress. What are your perspective in life. How you look at things can determine if you see opportunity or tragedy.
Do you see the possibilities when other see the impossible? Choose to be optimistic. See life in a positive way. See you achieving your goals and dreams.
There’s a story of two son raise by the same father. Their mother had die when the way five years old. The father became bitter because his wife had passed away. He began to drink and do drugs. He cursed at the young boy and physical abuse them. On son turn to his books and study real hard to make good grades. The other son turned to drugs and alcohol.  He was in and out of gang and jail. Later, he went prison. The other son went to college and became a lawyer.

The both was asked the same question how did you end up here. The one in prison said because of my father I ended up and prison. The other son who became a lawyer said because of my father I became lawyer. The both was raised in the same household, they both was physical abuse and cursed at and the both had the same father.  One chose to use the experience to better his life the other chose to keep live the same experience.

How do you see life?  Have the right mental attitude and be determined to live your dreams. You don’t have to allow life to cheat you out of your dreams. Choose to be optimistic. See the life in a positive way. See you achieving your goals and dreams.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hindrance to Success: Lack of Focus

Hindrance to Success: Lack of Focus
 Jumping from one idea or project to another can potential hinder you progress to success.  You must develop your gift and talent. Your creative is left half done when you never finish anything. Many people started college and quit or they started this and quit. The first sign of trouble people stops. They lack focus and discipline.

Prioritize your tasks and goals then finish it before moving to another. Don’t have the half nail syndrome where you start driving a nail in the wood and leave have of it up. Finish your task by make a list what the most important thing to do first. Drifting from one idea to the next hinders progress.

Procrastination hinders success. You must get started to finish. You must start to reach success. Success just don’t come to you; you must go get it. Get started and complete your goals. Stay focus! Create a daily goal, weekly and monthly goal list to help you stay focus. Make affirmation every morning and night.  Get started and reach your potential of greatness.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hindrance to Success: Indecisiveness

Hindrance to Success: Indecisiveness

Not making a cognizant decision is still deciding. You just decided to allow things to happen. You not working toward your goals and dreams and just accept life and whatever may come. Don’t settler for what life may throw at you. A decision is like a target to aim for. Without decision you have no direction, no goal, no purpose.

The only thing standing between success is excuses. Indeed, we all face challenge, and obstacles do rise in life. When you decide, and be determine excuses does not exist. You set your mind to achieve you goals and dreams nothing will stop you. Decide. Be determine. Be consisted.

Decide what you want in life and work until you have achieved it. Don’t allow excuse to stop you. Obstacle will come but you can overcome them. Don’t let nothing stop you from living your dreams. Go for it!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hindrance to Success: Fear

Hindrance to Success: Fear 

You have the ability to achieve great success. Whatever imagines the mind capture, what your imagination can create you have the potential to be. Visualize what life will be like when you succeed. Fear can hinder your success. Are you visualizing you succeeding or do you see failure? Fear of success, fear of the unknown and fear of criticism can hinder you on the road to success.

Fear from association or the fear of criticism can plague you mind and create negative images of yourself. Someone may have said you can do it. Or you too fat, too ugly, too much of this or too much of that. Then you associate that to failure. That statement created the fear of failing. Many people go through life not even trying because some made a negative statement about them and they gave up on their dreams. You must disassociate yourself from that statement and disassociate yourself from that negative image and begin to see yourself succeeding.

You have the ability to achieve anything you want to be in life. Never let other people create an image of you not succeeding.  Overcome that fear by visualizing yourself living your dream. See yourself succeeding Surround yourself with positive affirmations. Create a vision board of you achieving your dream.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Hindrances to Success: Relationships

5 Hindrances to Success

Hindrances to Success: Relationships

Nothing can stop you from succeeding but you. However, in life we will face challenges that hinder your path to success. Good news it can’t stop you. Hindrances are things that can causes resistance, delays, or obstruction. They are not to define you are become an excuse to stop you from achieving your goals and dreams.

The wrong or a bad relationship can become an obstacle. Don’t let the wrong relationship handicap you. It may slow your progress but don’t let it be the reason give up. The dream you have for your life is not meant for every on to be a part. More people give up on their dreams because of a bad relationship, someone cheated on them, someone said you can’t do it, or they said you this or you that. When it comes to your life work, life achievements and accomplishments no one can stop you but you.

We are born with only two innate fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds. Therefore, other fears come from association and teaching. Surround yourself with people that will build your courage. Not feed your fears.  Be the best you and don’t allow other people opinion of you become your reality.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Beyond the Comfort Zone

Beyond the Comfort Zone

Live life beyond the comfort and go after your dreams. Think about your goals and dreams, think about the thing you have put off saying one day I do it.  You have potential in you that has not be tapped into. You have more in you to offer, you have more in you to achieve. Get out of you comfort zone and live life to your fullest.
You might have experience a situation that might left you feeling helpless and made you give up hope. You may feel like you have become a Prisoner of the mind. Your mind can confine you to be a prisoner to your own thoughts. Leaving you struggling with negative thinking, doubts and fears. Break the cycle. Change your thinking and change your life. Don’t limited yourself. Don’t let a bad relationship define you. Don’t let a bad break define you. Don’t let a bad experience define you. You a more than the bad experiences. You are more than a conquer you are a high achiever.

Get outside your comfort zone and take life on.  Break the cycle of negative thinking You are not defined by circumstances. You have more in you than you thought you did. Think about your goals and dream. Envision yourself living your dream. Just go for it.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Keys to Success: Never Give Up

Keys to Success: Never Give Up

On the road to achieving your goals and dreams you will face challenges. That’s the time you must grind the hardest. Zoom in on your goals and dreams with more intense. Stay focus!
You will win. Believe in yourself and never give up.
Wilma Mankiller said, “The secret to our success is that we never, never give up.”
Thomas Edison said, “Many of life failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”

You may be facing a difficult time now but keep going. Don’t stop. You will win.  You never give up on something you want. How bad do you want it? How bad do you want to live your dreams? Do you want it more than your doubts and fears? Do you want it more than the criticizers? Do you want it more than the people who say you can’t do it? How bad do you want it? How bad do want it? How bad do you want to live your dream?
There is going to be some fears and feeling of giving up but don’t. Keep pushing yourself. Your hardest times often end up your greatest achievement.  Push- Persist-Until-Success-Happen.
You want success go and get it. Never let know one say you can’t do it or have it or be what you want to be. Go get it Never let it be said you gave up. You want it go and get it.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Keys to Success: Consistency

Keys to Success: Consistency

You must master your gifts, talents and craft. Every day think about what you want to become. Never entertain thoughts of less than what you dream of doing. Visualize and see yourself accomplishing your dreams. Day in and day out work on your craft, develop your skills and master it.
As I read and study the lives of high achievers I see a common key how they could achieve high level of success and one characteristic was consistency. They continue to work on their craft every day. They acted every day toward achieving their goals and dreams. Michael Jordan would practice for hours after practice. He would shoot 10,000 shots every day to reach high level of success.
You can take the biggest oak tree and a dull axe, but if you took five chops on the oak tree every day eventually the oak tree will fall. Be consistent. Every day work on your craft and master it. Be the best you can be than strive to be better than the person you were the day before.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Keys to Success: Faith

Keys to Success: Faith

A dream mixed with faith produces results. Don’t let doubt and fear talk you out of going after your dream. Fear will leave you paralyze and doubt will rob you blind. Fear of failure has cripple many people. God has empowered you to succeed. Have faith in God. Have faith in God given abilities and talent. Believe that God is for you. Believe that God is working all things out for your favor. A person standing faith have all resources of heaven on his side. Desire, Belief, Expectancy, and Action equal results. One person standing in faith is greater than a might army. Faith and action are the power twin that produces.

After rejection after rejection for his comic drawing by local editor, this you man was advised to give up his drawing and his dream. He kept his faith and he begin knocking on door after door for his drawing only to be rejected more. Finally, he got a chance to do some drawing in his garage and while working on his drawing he made friend with a mouse and ultimately made his famous. Walt Disney dream fuel and mixed with faith made his known worldwide as Mickey Mouse. His imagination and created ability paved his road to success.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Keys to Success: Believe in Yourself

Keys to Success: Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself
Your got to believe in yourself. You got to believe in your dream and you got to believe you can do it, will do it and will achieve it. You are designed to achieve, built for accomplishment and born to win. You got to believe in yourself. “Arthur Ashe said, “One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.
Believe in yourself when no one else does. Believe in yourself when time are hard. Believe in yourself when it seems impossible. Believe in yourself when all you can see is failure. Believe in yourself when you feel like giving up. Believe in yourself when you are all you got.

Prove them wrong keep believing in yourself. Don’t let another people opinion of you imprison you and limit you. Self-limitation is thought you have accepted as true. Believe in yourself and break the barrier. The were no situation or circumstance created to stop you from overcoming and stop you from fulfilling your purpose. You have in you everything you need to succeed, you have seeds of greatness in side of you and you will not fail if you keep believing.


Saturday, September 16, 2017

Keys to Success: Take Actions

Keys to Success: Take Actions

You must take actions on what you decided you wanted out of life. Action is doing something you must act to get a result. Verbalizing and visualizing is unless if you don’t take actions. Tony Robins said, “Take action and begin success.” Your imagination, your words and actions must be in congruent to one another. Action is required to get result; no action not results. Get rid of that one-day mentality. Many people go through life say one day. One day I go back to college, one I do this one day I do that and never really do anything. Take responsibility of your own life. Success is not just given to you go to go get it. You must develop a plan and work your plan. Take actions and make it happen. No more excuses. Excuses are nails to a coffin to bury your dreams. Excuses are not in the mind of high achievers. Excuses are the language of the mediocre and the average. The average always has excuses why the cant. The high achieve say why can’t I.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Keys to Success: Commitment

Keys to Success: Commitment

Make a commitment to your decision. Make a commitment to your dreams. High achievers are committed to accomplishing their goals and dreams. They develop a plan how to attain and arrive what they have envision. Every day they focus and think about what they want to become. They set clear goals and become driven with purpose and intention. They don't entertain thoughts of failure and defeat. They continue to make a commitment to their commitment.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Keys to Success: Knowledge

Keys to Success: Knowledge
Knowledge is the Second Key to Success.

Knowledge is potential power and power is the ability to get result. You must have an intense appetite for knowledge. Key number one was know what you want and decide. After you decide you must commit yourself to learning you craft and developing your skill. Relentless commitment to lifelong learning and have the discipline to achieve your dream. Knowledge is what it takes to build successful careers and business. You must know how to get where you want to go.  Knowledge is the key to show how.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Keys to Success:Decide

Keys to Success: Decide

What are the keys to success? Why do some people achieve great success and others don’t? How can you become a high achiever?
The First Key to Success if know what you want.
Success first start in the mind then becomes a reality in your life. First, know what you want. What are you goal, dream and vision for your life. Napoleon Hill said, “The starting point of all achievement is desire.” Know what you want, what do you desire out of life. A bow and arrow are more effect when it has a target. A yacht anchored the shore nice to look at but it not headed anywhere. A boat with a sail are more effect than a yacht when it has a destiny.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Power of I Am

I am the greatest shouts the young boxer before he even fought or won the world heavy weight championship. Young Cassius Clay who would later change his name to Muhammud Ali knew the power of I am. Ali said “It’s the repetition of affirmation that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction things begin to happen.”
In court you affirm or give an affirmation. Affirm meant to give a strongly statement of the truth or a fact. Now you are in the court of the universe and the battle is in your mind. You must affirm who you are what you will become. Affirm you are the greatest.
 You are not being conformed to the world of average but are being transformed to a high achiever by renewing and retraining your mind. You are shaping your world by own word, thoughts and action. The power of I am means you are becoming what you say you am.