Alvin Walker

Alvin Walker

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Why You Should Build Your Dreams?

Why You Should Build Your Dreams?

 You was created for a purpose and that longing inside you is your physiological as  Abraham Maslow describes as “Self-actualization (creative, skills, achieving) The motivation to realize one’s own maximum potential and possibilities is considered to be the master motive or the only real motive, all other motives being its various forms.” Self-actualization is become aware of your purpose and the desire to fulfill it. It’s you reaching for your full potential and become the best you. It’s also your spiritual need. Your dream and purpose is the very reason for your existence. It’s the reason why you were created.

Dreams Give You Direction.

Dreams are blue prints for your life. It gives direction for what you can accomplish.  It’s a vision. It provides meaning.  If you don’t have directions for life you can spend years wandering around in a circle and living a mean less life and never achieving and reach your full potential.

·       Direction saves time.

·       Direction saves money.

·       Direction saves energy and effort.

Dreams Attract Provision.

As you start following after your dream you will start to attract all that is needed to fulfill that dream. Dreams provide provision. Within that dreams is the seed to all the provision you need. It would cause abundance supply overtake you. Every million dollar business or invention started out as a dream or ideal. As they continue to follow their dreams the provision where provide as well.

Dreams Changes Lives.

One man dreams impact the lives of millions. He made the sacrifices to bring equality to America. In His name was Martin L. King. Andrew Carnegie changed the world with the use of steel. Carnegie Steel Corporation produce steel that build railroads, sky-scrapers and bridges revolutionizing American steel industry. Rosa Parks helped bring change in America by being the first female civil rights leader. The power of a dream brings change.

Why you should follow your dreams? Without a dream you can spend year wander and living an unfulfilled life.  Dreams bring all that is needed to fulfill its purpose. The power of a dream effect is unlimited. Dreams bring change. You can be the next one that brings change to the world as you follow after your dream.

Alvin Walker

Author, Motivational Speaker

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