Alvin Walker

Alvin Walker

Monday, October 30, 2017

On the Path to Success: The Overcoming Series

On the Path to Success:

The Overcoming Series

On your path to success you will face obstacles in this new blog series will give you the tools to overcome obstacle: cheating spouses, childhood bullying, addictions, toxic and abusive relationships and much more. The overcoming series will empower you and give you the strength to overcome and stay on your path to success.
The first series On the Path to Success: Overcoming the effect of Cheating. It's time to take back your self-esteem, your self-worth and self-value. What happen when you give someone access to your heart to only have it destroyed by cheating. This series will restore you and free you of the guilt and pain of someone else action.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Universal Laws of Success

Universal Laws of Success

Where are you in your journey to success? Is there more you want to achieve in life?  Do you find yourself going around in circles? The universal laws of success will catapult you to new levels of success.

A law is a principle that works for anyone at any time. The law of gravity work for everyone. It doesn’t not discriminate because our age, race, religion or etc. Gravity will always be working to pull to the center of the earth. Likewise, the universal laws of success work to pull you to success.

What you think about the most is what you will attract. What is your dominate thoughts? They are creating and building the world around you. The Law of attraction says like attract like. The level of your thinking is what you will attract. When the mind conceives a thought and it becomes deep rooted it will produce. The seed of a thought will produce a harvest.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

If You Wanted Go Get It

If You Wanted Go Get It

Whatever you want to be, whatever you want to become go get it. Keep going no matter what.  Don’t allow life to cause you to submission and give up on your dreams.  How bad do you want to live your dreams? Your action got to match your dreams. Your actions got to be greater than just a weak hope of one day I live my dreams.

You got to be hungry to achieve greatness. It not just gone come to you, you got to go get it. Imagine you are hunger for food in the forest you hunt day and night until you found food. That’s how hungry you got to be for your dreams.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Get Wire for Success

Get Wire for Success

Success begins in the mind then becomes a reality. You have to rewire your mind and reprogram your thinking. The mind has a blueprint that will either produce success or mediocrity.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.”

Your mind is program as a child from association, teaching and environment. They construct the blueprint and thought pattern in your mind. This becomes the function center in your mind how it deal with life and become you coping system. It also determines the level of success you achieve. If you not happy with your life look at you thought pattern. We are result of our own thoughts. If your thought pattern isn’t producing the results you want rewire you mind. If not rewire you will always keep producing the same results.

“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” - Earl Nightingale

Program your mind for success. Begin to take control of your thoughts by setting time to focus on your goals and dream. Focus on what you want and not what you lack.  The more you focus on lack, hurt emotion and disappoint will produce more of the same result. Begin to read and feed the mind. Make possible affirmations and begin to see yourself living the life you want. Change your thinking and change your life.

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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Hindrance to Success: Wrong Attitude

Hindrance to Success: Wrong Attitude

Attitude determines aptitude of your success.  Attitudes also provide a framework and mindset for success. Being not fully committed and wrong attitude hinders your progress. What are your perspective in life. How you look at things can determine if you see opportunity or tragedy.
Do you see the possibilities when other see the impossible? Choose to be optimistic. See life in a positive way. See you achieving your goals and dreams.
There’s a story of two son raise by the same father. Their mother had die when the way five years old. The father became bitter because his wife had passed away. He began to drink and do drugs. He cursed at the young boy and physical abuse them. On son turn to his books and study real hard to make good grades. The other son turned to drugs and alcohol.  He was in and out of gang and jail. Later, he went prison. The other son went to college and became a lawyer.

The both was asked the same question how did you end up here. The one in prison said because of my father I ended up and prison. The other son who became a lawyer said because of my father I became lawyer. The both was raised in the same household, they both was physical abuse and cursed at and the both had the same father.  One chose to use the experience to better his life the other chose to keep live the same experience.

How do you see life?  Have the right mental attitude and be determined to live your dreams. You don’t have to allow life to cheat you out of your dreams. Choose to be optimistic. See the life in a positive way. See you achieving your goals and dreams.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Hindrance to Success: Lack of Focus

Hindrance to Success: Lack of Focus
 Jumping from one idea or project to another can potential hinder you progress to success.  You must develop your gift and talent. Your creative is left half done when you never finish anything. Many people started college and quit or they started this and quit. The first sign of trouble people stops. They lack focus and discipline.

Prioritize your tasks and goals then finish it before moving to another. Don’t have the half nail syndrome where you start driving a nail in the wood and leave have of it up. Finish your task by make a list what the most important thing to do first. Drifting from one idea to the next hinders progress.

Procrastination hinders success. You must get started to finish. You must start to reach success. Success just don’t come to you; you must go get it. Get started and complete your goals. Stay focus! Create a daily goal, weekly and monthly goal list to help you stay focus. Make affirmation every morning and night.  Get started and reach your potential of greatness.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Hindrance to Success: Indecisiveness

Hindrance to Success: Indecisiveness

Not making a cognizant decision is still deciding. You just decided to allow things to happen. You not working toward your goals and dreams and just accept life and whatever may come. Don’t settler for what life may throw at you. A decision is like a target to aim for. Without decision you have no direction, no goal, no purpose.

The only thing standing between success is excuses. Indeed, we all face challenge, and obstacles do rise in life. When you decide, and be determine excuses does not exist. You set your mind to achieve you goals and dreams nothing will stop you. Decide. Be determine. Be consisted.

Decide what you want in life and work until you have achieved it. Don’t allow excuse to stop you. Obstacle will come but you can overcome them. Don’t let nothing stop you from living your dreams. Go for it!