Alvin Walker

Alvin Walker

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Time for Change

Time for Change

Now is the time for change. Life is too short to keep living unhappy and unfulfilled. It time to stop living a mundane life and live your dreams. No more excuse, excuses are nails to a coffin to bury your dreams. Now is your time. Life have tried to beat you down to submission leaving you left to working a dead ended job. You may have been in bad relationships and left with a heart of brokenness and disappointment.  The storm is over it time to live and rise above the disappointment and emotional pain. This is your time.  Be again to see to your life different and go after it. Life of Purpose, Happiness and Success.

Life is a journey and on that journey we all face challenging situations and some of these challenges are tremendous and traumatic leaving you emotionally drained. In this inspiring book you will find invaluable advice on how to overcome financial troubles, addictions and energy-draining relationships. It gives stories of people who have defied and overcome insurmountable odds. Within are a collection of stories on how you can use positive thinking and the power of the mind to live a life of success and turn disappointments into dreams.

New Book by Alvin Walker Tells How We Can Transform the Human Experience of Heartache and Tragedy into a Life of Purpose, Happiness and Success. From Pain to Passion: Living a Life with a Purpose available at
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Friday, June 24, 2016

law of polarity

law of polarity
Also now available From Pain to Passion by Alvin Walker. Go to and order a copy today.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Break the Cycle

Break the Cycle

Have life seems it dealt you a bad hand? Do you may feel you were unjustly done wrong in a bad relationship leaving you wondering will you ever find true love? Or, do you seem to be in a whirlwind of disappointment and brokenness. You can overcome the hardship, the brokenness and hurt. You can start living the life you deserve.

We all face challenges and have to deal with life and sometime what life throws at us isn’t always peasant.  You may be in a place you just want the emotional pain to stop. But the first step to overcoming is just embrace the pain. Turning to substance abuse to numb the pain is like putting a bandage over a gunshot womb and it changes nothing. Used the pain to make you a better person let it push you to follow your dreams. Every time that situation comes to your mind use it like a switch. A switch can cut on the light or you can cut it off and allow darkness intrude. Likewise, when the negative thoughts try to enter you mind immediate switch you thought to something positive. Train your mind to instance switch a negative thought to positive though and never dwell on anything that is emotional draining. You can’t change the past the only thing you can do is leave the past for a brighter future.

To learn more please get a copy of Alvin Walker new book From Pain to Passion it is a life changing. Now available on

A powerful message of hope and change, "From Pain to Passion" reveals how we can transform the human experience of heartache and tragedy into a life of purpose, happiness, and success. In this inspirational guide, Alvin Walker shares invaluable advice on how to overcome financial troubles, addiction, and energy-draining relationships by using positive thinking and the power of the mind. A collection of thought-provoking quotes, success stories, and practical advice, "From Pain to Passion" is the first step in turning your disappointments into your dreams. Alvin is an inspiring motivational speaker, author, entrepreneur, and investor. He is now working on a major in psychology.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Live life with a Purpose

Live life with a Purpose

In today fast pace world it may seem challenging to set goals and achieve them. It may appear you are tossed back and forth like the wind. The hustle of work and everyday living consumes your time leaving you wonder if things will every change. Today make a quality decision starting

The secret of success is constancy to purpose. Benjamin Disraeli

 Set priorities. Decide what matter the most to you and dedicate time to it. The word decide arrive for from Latin “dēcīdere” meaning  literally "to cut off," from de- "off" “ caedere” "to cut"  When decide matter the most you have to cut off something that not as important. How you spend your time is how you will spend your life. Decide this is what I want to do and this is what I going to do to help me reach my goals.

Go after your dreams. Follow after your dreams the things which you have a burning desire to do. Find your passion and just go for it. Living life with a purpose you have to go after your dreams. If you don’t go after them you will never reach them. Be determining you can and will accomplish your dreams.

Refuse to quit and never quit refusing. Alvin Walker

Be Relentless. Never, never, never ever give up and have the mindset you will never accept giving up. Quitting never becomes an option when you going after your dreams. Refuse quit and never quit refusing.